Monitoring the health of the Georges River

The Georges River catchment spans over approximately 960 km2. The Georges River originates about 60 km southwest of the Sydney CBD near the town of Appin and flows north towards Liverpool, before turning east at Chipping Norton Lakes to the mouth of the river at the Botany Bay. The river has a number of key tributaries like Bunbury Curran Creek, Cabramatta Creek, Prospect Creek, Mill Creek and Woronora River.

Georges Riverkeeper’s monitoring program has compared the ecological condition of waterways across the Georges River catchment since 2009 and assessed changes over time. The waterways assessed are representative of those occurring across the nine major subcatchments contributing freshwater to Georges River, plus the 46 km of estuary in the main channel of the river which is influenced by the tides (from Liverpool Weir to Botany Bay). Freshwater ecological condition is determined by measuring three important ecological indicators – Riparian vegetation, Water quality and Macroinvertebrates, whilst only a subset of water quality parameters were used to assess estuarine sites. These indices provide a ‘snapshot’ of Georges River catchment health and are representative of conditions during sampling.

The Eastern long-necked turtle (Chelodina longicollis) is one of the iconic native animals more commonly found in the freshwater reaches of the Georges River and its creeks and tributaries.
A small creek within the Cabramatta Creek subcatchment (overall grade D-, poor). Weedy riparian vegetation, litter and poor water quality are common.

River health grades

The overall ecological grade for the freshwater reaches was C+ in 2023-24 which is a slight drop from B- in 2021-22.

However, these results might not be a true reflection of the overall water quality, as unusual rainfall, such as what was experienced during the sampling period, has a significant impact on freshwater water quality since it brings sediments and pollutants from urban area.

Surprisingly, the most pristine bushland subcatchments at the headwaters (i.e., Upper Freshwater, O’Hares Creek, Lower Freshwater, Mill Creek and Woronora River subcatchments) were impacted with the overall grades reduced from good to fair. 

This is because although the largely forested areas had good riparian and water quality grades, the macroinvertebrate grades showed an overall drop this year. This decline can be attributed to the wet season, which washed these organisms downstream.

Similarly, the predominantly urbanised subcatchments (i.e., Bunbury Curran Creek, Cabramatta Creek, Prospect Creek and Lower Estuary subcatchments) showed a decline in water quality and riparian vegetation grades. This was probably caused by an increase in pollutants and nutrients being flushed from the urbanised area and entering the waterways during flooding and frequent rainfall events. The macroinvertebrate assemblage in the urban freshwater creeks subcatchments had low diversity and was mainly dominated by pollution-tolerant species like snails and worms.

The overall estuary grade improved to A- this year from B in 2021-22. The improvement can be attributed to lower turbidity during sampling. This year’s estuary sampling coincided with limited rainfall resulting in generally good grades. The lower sections of the estuary are regularly flushed by tidal movement, particularly within the main channel and have received excellent grades. 

Further up the river some bays experience less tidal flushing and are known as dead water areas. In the past these shallow, muddy bays which include sampling sites such as Gungah and Bonnet Bays have typically received a lower grade. In the upper sections, the estuary has reduced tidal flushing and is more impacted by pulses of stormwater from the urbanised catchment.

Kyle Bay, in the lower Georges River estuary received an A- (good) grade.


There has been abundant rainfall in Sydney during 2023-2024 resulting in a wetter period. The graph clearly shows an increase in rainfall this year, compared to the average rainfall from 1887 to present. The east coast of Australia had its third wettest summer for an El-Nino year as the beginning of summer saw heavy downpours, even resulting in floods in some areas, while 2024 winter rainfall was one of the wettest winters in years.

How to read the maps

Grading system
River Health indicators are assessed against environmental guidelines allowing the award of a grade between A+ and F-.

This diagram shows an example grading box.
Pristine riparian vegetation along Stokes Creek
Pristine riparian vegetation along Stokes Creek (overall riparian vegetation grade A+, excellent)

Riparian vegetation

Riparian vegetation are plants living along the edge of waterways. Vegetation maintains waterways by stabilising the banks of rivers and creeks with roots, which binds the soil together and creates a living ecosystem of its own. Roots, leaves and branches falling into waterways, from riparian vegetation, create habitats and food for aquatic animals. Riparian vegetation provides shade and filters pollutants from urban stormwater runoff that would otherwise enter the waterway.

Measuring turbidity in the estuary with a Secchi disk.
Measuring turbidity in the estuary with a Secchi disk. Location – Oatley Bay Poulton Park

Water Quality

All aquatic plants and animals have specific water quality requirements to exist in a healthy condition. All flora and fauna have a limit of tolerance to varying water quality conditions; hence they will not survive or be in healthy condition in water quality ranging outside their level of tolerance. The 

Georges Riverkeeper's River Health & Research Program monitors water quality in the main channel, tributaries and estuary of the Georges River catchment. Determining which water quality indicators are depleted and elevated at different locations, provides valuable information about the effects of various pollution types and impacts of land uses within the Georges River catchment. Different parameters like Dissolved Oxygen, Turbidity, pH, Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus and Electrical conductivity are used to assess the water quality for freshwater, while parameters like Turbidity and Chlorophyll a were used to monitor water quality in estuary.

Damselfly (Zygoptera)
Damselfly (Zygoptera) considered tolerant of polluted waterways
Michelle McFarlane


Aquatic macroinvertebrates are small animals without backbones such as worms, snails and insects. Organisms that live in freshwater streams vary in their sensitivities to changes in water quality and habitat. Georges Riverkeeper's River Health & Research Program surveys aquatic macroinvertebrates in the seasons of spring and autumn. Identifying and monitoring which macroinvertebrates can and cannot live at certain locations provides valuable information about the freshwater ecosystems across the Georges River catchment.

Snapshot of River Health in the Georges River Catchment
Subcatchment Name and Grade Icon Icon Icon
Upper Freshwater
Overall grade: B
O'Hares Creek
Overall grade: B+
A+ B+ B-
Lower Freshwater
Overall grade: B
B+ B C
Bunbury Curran Creek
Overall grade: D+
C- D D
Cabramatta Creek
Overall grade: D-
C- D- E-
Prospect Creek
Overall grade: D+
B- D- E+
Overall grade: E+
E+ D E
Lower Estuary
Overall grade: B-
B C D+
Mill Creek
Overall grade: B+
A+ B+ B-
Woronora River
Overall grade: B
B+ B+ B-

Upper Georges River Subcatchments: Upper Freshwater and O'Hares Creek
Creek / Sample Point Icon Icon Icon
Georges River Upper
Overall grade: B
B+ B+ B-
Brennans Creek
Overall grade: B+
B+ A-
Georges River Kennedy Grove
Overall grade: C+
C D+ B-
Georges River Woolwash
Overall grade: A-
A+ A+ A-
Maddens Creek
Overall grade: A-
A+ A+ B+
Illuka Creek
Overall grade: B-
A+ E+ D+
Cobbong Creek
Overall grade: A-
A+ A+ B
Stokes Creek
Overall grade: A-
A+ A- B+
O'Hares Creek Woolwash
Overall grade: A-
A+ A+ C+-

Mid Georges River Subcatchments: Prospect Creek, Cabramatta Creek, Bunbury Curran Creek, Lower Freshwater
Creek / Sample Point Icon Icon Icon
Georges River Frere's Crossing
Overall grade: A
Georges River Ingleburn Weir
Overall grade: B
A- A C-
Georges River Simmos Beach
Overall grade: B-
B+ A+ D+
Georges River Cambridge Ave
Overall grade: C
B+ C C-
Smiths Creek
Overall grade: E
E+ D- F
Bunbury Curran Creek Kooringa Reserve
Overall grade: D+
B- E- D+
Bunbury Curran Creek Harold Bridge
Overall grade: C
C- D B
Hinchinbrook Creek
Overall grade: D-
B D F-
Cabramatta Creek Upper
Overall grade: D-
C- E+ E-
Cabramatta Creek Lower
Overall grade: D+
D C+ E+
Brickmakers Creek
Overall grade: E+
Orphan School Creek Upper
Overall grade: D
B+ F+ E+
Orphan School Creek Lower
Overall grade: C
B- C+ C-
Prospect Creek Upper
Overall grade: D+
B+ E- E-
Prospect Creek Lower
Overall grade: D
C C- E+

Lower Georges River Subcatchments: Woronora River, Mill Creek, Mid Estuary, Lower Estuary
Creek / Sample Point Icon Icon Icon
Little Salt Pan Creek
Overall grade: E+
E+ D E
Dairy Creek
Overall grade: B-
B+ B- C+
Myles Dunphy Reserve Creek
Overall grade: B
A- A C-
Poulton Creek
Overall grade: E
D+ D- F-
Carina Creek
Overall grade: B-
B+ D B+
Barden Creek
Overall grade: A-
A+ A+ B-
Mill Creek
Overall grade: B
A+ B+ D
Bottle Creek
Overall grade: B
A- B+ B-
Woronora River
Overall grade: B
B+ A+ C
Heathcote Creek
Overall grade: B+
A- B B+

Georges River Estuary
Site No. Estuary Site Grade
i* Liverpool Weir B+
ii* Chipping Norton Lake A
iii Lt Cantello Reserve B
iv Mill Creek A+
v Little Salt Pan Creek A
vi Salt Pan Creek B+
vii Lime Kiln Bay B+
viii Gungah Bay B+
ix Bonnet Bay B
x Carina Bay B
xi Oatley Bay Moore Reserve B+
xii Oatley Bay Poulton Park B-
xiii Kyle Bay A-
xiv Kogarah Bay A-
xv Scott Park Saltmarsh A+
xvi Tonbridge Creek A-
xvii Botany Bay A+
* See Mid Georges River Subcatchments Map