Flooding of the Georges River

The Georges River is considered one of the most severely flood-prone rivers in NSW.

Gross Pollutant Trap Planning, Design & Procurement guidelines

The Guide covers a range of key areas for Councils to reference/use to develop a GPT program tailored to meet the needs of the LGA.

Review of GPTs effectiveness in protecting waterways

Councils are becoming more reliant on Gross Pollutant Traps (GPTs) to improve the water quality of their waterways. A group of Macquarie University students undertook an important literature review to see if the five most common GPTs in the Georges River catchment were doing their job.

23rd Biennale of Sydney, River Project

We were very excited to be a part of a recent art event, the River Project at the Casula Powerhouse, which was presented on 4 and 5 June, 2022, by Jiva Parthipan, STARTTS (NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors) and the 23rd Biennale of Sydney.

Are we planning blue-green infrastructure opportunistically or strategically?

Strategic placement of water-sensitive urban design (WSUD) is essential in optimising its performance and maximising co-benefits. However, little is known about the current placement and interconnectedness between WSUD assets and the performance of current planning strategies.

Human Geography students learn about the Georges River

A series of video interviews between Marilu Melo Zurita, Senior Lecturer, UNSW, and Rob Dixon from Georges Riverkeeper.

Ongoing challenges for the urbanised Georges River

The ecological degradation of the Georges River is consistent with the worldwide phenomena known as the ‘Urban Stream Syndrome’.

Timeline of events impacting water quality in the Georges River

Events that have impacted the Georges River through history.

"Not in My Backyard" attitude degraded Georges River

Post-colonisation timeline of land use changes highlights short-sighted parochial denigration and degradation of southern Sydney landscapes and waterways.

The State of the Georges River 2020

The State of the Georges River 2020 gives an overview of the ecological condition of the Georges River and actions that are being taken to improve the ‘state’ or ‘health’ of the river.

Aboriginal culture of the Georges River

Aboriginal people have occupied the continent for over 40,000 years and it is through the Dreaming that Aboriginal people mark the beginning of time when the Rainbow Serpent moved across the land creating the rivers as it travelled and when Biame, the sky spirit, helped shape a barren and featureless world and gave the Aboriginal people the laws of life by which they live.

Indigenous knowledge about Georges River seasons

D'harawal seasons and climatic cycles on the Georges River.

Georges River oysters

The history of oyster farming in the Georges River. The health of an oyster is closely related to the quality of the water in which it grows.

Water Sensitive Urban Design

What is Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD)? In urban areas, where not much natural environment remains, it is possible to restore some of the beneficial features of the natural water cycle, including slowing down and filtering water before it enters natural waterways, using Water Sensitive Urban Design.

Preventing pollution in the Georges River

Water pollution causes major damage to the Georges River. It harms native biodiversity as well as limits our enjoyment of river activities such as fishing and swimming. What is being done about reducing pollution in the Georges River?