Wednesday, November 25, 2020

72 tonnes of rubbish removed from Georges River in 2019-2020

Robert Dixon with Georges Riverkeeper's Annual Report 2019/20

During the 2019/20 financial year, approximately 72 tonnes of rubbish was removed from the catchment. This number is down from 101 tonnes in the previous financial year. Part of this reduction can be attributed to our partner, NSW Department of Justice - Corrective Services, suspending works on days with poor air quality during the bushfire crisis. Work was then again put on hold from March in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Anecdotally, an increase in takeaway packaging as a result of the pandemic may have led to an increase of in-stream litter. You can find out more about Georges Riverkeeper's achievements this past financial year, in our recently released Annual Report 2019/20.