Thursday, March 11, 2021

Georges Riverkeeper Executive Group Meeting - March 2021

Gross pollutant trap stopping litter from reaching the Georges River
Gross pollutant trap stopping litter from reaching the Georges River

Georges Riverkeeper has several grants that we are administering and two of these were the subject of information and discussion at the Executive Group meeting this month. One of the grants is helping Georges Riverkeeper to write our Catchment & Coastal Management Program Scoping Study, the first step in a five step process driven by the Coastal Management Act 2016. We are in the process of reviewing our Scoping Study to see how it helps us to progress through the stages to develop the Georges River Catchment & Coastal Management Program. The other grant discussed at this meeting was the Environmental Restoration Fund grant, Zero Litter in Georges River, which focuses at Gross Pollutant Traps and their role in collecting litter before it enters our waterways.