Georges Riverkeeper General Meeting - August 2022

The Georges Riverkeeper Committee met in August 2022 at the Bayside Council Library in Rockdale, hosted by Bayside Council, where there was great discussions and an in-depth delivery of the Georges Riverkeeper Programs.
The committee received three presentations about the following:
Environmental Restoration Grant (Zero Litter in Georges River) – Showcasing the wonderful education videos and the education packages developed by Georges Riverkeeper in collaboration with Art of Multimedia and Georges River Environmental Education Centre. A sneak peek was given on the project webpages that are being developed for the schools participating, the drain art designs, and augmented reality experience.
Littler Prevention Strategy - Georges Riverkeeper was granted funding of $60,000 by the NSW EPA, to develop a Litter Prevention Strategy. The presentation highlighted the current issues with litter within the catchment and advised that the current approach is to conduct clean-ups, promote advocacy work and education. The strategy will answer four main questions: where to tackle litter, how to tackle litter, who tackles litter, and why tackle litter.
Sydney Water Corporation – Nathan Harrison presented on the topic of Sydney Water’s Wastewater Overflows. The presentation explained the wastewater networks within the Georges River Catchment, Wet Weather Overflows (WWOs) and why wet weather is a challenge for the wastewater system. In addition, the presentation explained Dry Weather leaks (DWL) & overflows (DWOs); blockages and chokes, breaks and asset failures and what Sydney Water is doing to reduce these asset challenges.
In addition, in this lengthy meeting, Sydney Water’s application to join the Georges Riverkeeper Committee as a Financial Partner was accepted, as was the recommendation of the Program Manager, endorsed by the Executive Group, to hold off the nomination and election of the 2nd Vice Chair until the Georges Riverkeeper’s AGM and General Committee Meeting in November 2022.