Georges Riverkeeper General Meeting – June 2024

Georges Riverkeeper held a Committee Meeting on 27 June 2024, hosted by our Financial Partner, Sydney Water. Iain Fairbairn, Sydney Water Head of Business, welcomed everyone and expressed his support for the work Georges Riverkeeper does with Member Councils. Later in the meeting, Nathan Harrison, Wastewater Product Analyst in the Sydney Water Wastewater and Environment team, gave a presentation that explained that improving waterways and protecting the environment is a key element of Sydney Water’s strategy and they have refined their commitments to healthy waterways through over two years of engagement with State and Local Government, Councillors and the community. Nathan also gave updates about how Sydney Water are trying to prevent pollution, create cooler green natural spaces, champion catchment groups such as ours, and focus on safe waterway recreation and swimming.
During the meeting, the Georges Riverkeeper team, currently comprised of Kirsten, Rob and Lydia, gave an update on projects and activities. The big-ticket items on the night were the endorsement of the Annual Workplan for FY24/25 and the Budget FY24/25.
With the upcoming Local Government elections, this meeting was the last for Cr Michael Banasik who is retiring from office at Wollondilly Shire Council. The Committee thanked him for his many, many years of service. You can read more about Cr. Banasik’s work for Georges Riverkeeper on our Honour Board.
In attendance at the meeting were the Georges Riverkeeper team and the Executive Group representatives, Cr. Stephen Nikolovski (Chairperson), Cr. David Walsh (Second Vice-Chair), as well as Cr Michael Banasik (Wollondilly Shire Council), Cr Matt Stellino (Campbelltown City Council), Cr Carmen Lazar (Fairfield City Council), Cr Fiona MacNaught (Liverpool City Council) and numerous council officers, stakeholders and community members.