Green Valley Creek Restoration

Green Valley Creek is one of the five major creeks that traverse the Fairfield City Council Local Government Area. The vegetation on the floodplains bordering these creek has historically included Cumberland Riverflat Forest which was extensively cleared as Sydney expanded and is now listed as an endangered community. Fairfield Council has been doing a great job restoring these riparian areas over several decades. One recent addition has been at Barook Park. The trees shrubs and ground covers seen in this video were installed as part of Georges Riverkeepers bush regeneration pilot with Corrective Services and Fairfield City Council. Over 4,700 were installed last year during spring by offenders on community service orders. Ongoing maintenance from contractors has ensured that the plants have remained in great condition and will contribute to this important riparian corridor into the future.
Green Valley Creek bush regeneration site, filmed June 2020. Narrated by Robert Dixon.