Increasing shorebird habitat
Endangered shorebirds including Pied Oystercatchers, Whimbrels, Godwits and Curlews, spend low tides foraging for invertebrates on the mudflats of the many bays in the Georges River, with some of the most well-visited being Quibray and Weeny Bay in the Sutherland Shire local government area.
During high tides the birds migrate to safe roosting habitat away from potential predators and are often found on old oyster pylons. However, there aren’t enough to go around! As part of our project assisting with the management of shorebird communities in partnership with Greater Sydney Local Land Services and The Australian Waders Studies Group, Georges Riverkeeper have helped improve the roosting opportunities for shorebirds in the area. Connecting some of the more sturdy pylons with cross beams has given the birds 20m of extra roosting habitat. Adding additional habitat to this RAMSAR listed site is particularly important as other roosting sites such as Towra Spit Island are under threat by storm events.
Shorebirds new roosting habitat
Hopefully, the roosts installed across the pylons will give the birds more places to rest and less competition with the pelicans.