Monday, March 23, 2020

March and April river health monitoring

Dr. Dave Reid, on the Georges Riverkeeper boat, undertaking river health monitoring

We are troubled to see COVID-19 affecting more and more businesses and industries, however, we are optimistic that Georges Riverkeeper can continue to proceed with traditional River Health monitoring activities at this time.

Our summer season of monitoring estuarine water quality was completed in March. We are currently monitoring the riparian vegetation, water quality and waterbugs in freshwater sites.

We will also undertake microplastics monitoring along the river, using AUSMAP methods.

University interns and volunteers have assisted with this work in the past, which we greatly appreciate. Unfortunately, the present need for social distancing to limit the spread of COVID-19 has forced us to cancel interactions with volunteers.

All Georges Riverkeeper staff will participate in River Health monitoring to cover the work usually done by volunteers, whilst also practising appropriate social distancing from each other. 

River Health data will be used for Report Card grading, which will be incorporated into the State of the Georges River Report that will be released later this year.