New education campaign!
'Zero Litter in Georges River' is something you’re going to be hearing a lot of in coming months as we roll out the schools and community education component of the 'Improving the Health of the Georges River: Zero Litter in Georges River' project thanks to grant funding from the Australian Government.
The single biggest pollution source to the Georges River is stormwater; it is responsible for pollutants entering the river by picking up contaminants as it flows over rooftops, roads and paths. So, we want to bring attention to things that not many people notice, like rain runoff, microplastics, gross pollutant traps and the link between stormwater and river health. And, we’re going to give you lots of tips along the way, so you can help us to protect the river from rubbish.
Georges Riverkeeper is also bringing this project to several schools across the Georges River catchment to teach students about litter, GPTs and stormwater. The students conduct stormwater investigations, develop a campaign about the problem and create drain art to be installed in the community. Exciting stuff! Take a look at the exciting project website we've developed.
This project received grant funding from the Australian Government.