Ten tenacious animals to spot in the Georges River catchment
In the Georges River catchment, 1.4 million human residents share their space with an almost inestimable number of animals. From the depths of the riverbeds to the leafy treetops, it's a lively ecosystem where every creature has a story to tell.
Meet the waterbugs
Monitoring waterbugs is extremely useful for assessing the condition of our local creeks. Take a look at some of the creatures you can find.
Bell Miner birds responsible for 'dieback' in Eucalyptus trees
The lovely sound bellbirds or Bell Miners make in bushland may be a sign of something more sinister going on... such as Eucalyptus trees dying.
Mosquitoes can form large swarms at certain times of the year in the suburbs around the Georges River. They are as much a component of natural ecosystems as any other native wildlife, but when there are lots of them they are a nuisance for people.
Introduced animals
The Georges River catchment is unfortunately threatened by many introduced animals. Cats and foxes are a big threat to native animals, preying on birds, small mammals and reptiles.
Threatened fauna in the Georges River catchment
A large number of Threatend and Endangered animals can be found within the Georges River Catchment.