Georges Riverkeeper is the business name of the Georges River Combined Council’s Committee Incorporated (GRCCC)

Formed in 1979 by Councils with a collective responsibility for the health of the Georges River to work together to improve its environmental condition and ongoing management.

The eight Member Councils – Bayside Council, Campbelltown City Council, City of Canterbury Bankstown, Fairfield City Council, Georges River Council, Liverpool City Council, Sutherland Shire Council and Wollondilly Shire Councils – of the Georges River catchment, and Sydney Water (our Financial Partner) fund Georges Riverkeeper.

Georges River Combined Councils’ Committee Incorporated is an independent and not-for-profit organisation. We are an Incorporated Association governed by the Associations Incorporated Act and in accordance with our Constitution.

Five focus areas for Georges Riverkeeper were identified through a stakeholder engagement process undertaken in the development of the Strategic Plan 2022-2026 and are represented by the five programs, which are:

Although these are distinct Programs they are integrated and work together to protect the health of the Georges River.

A General Meeting is held four or five times per year and is attended by Georges Riverkeeper staff, Host Manager, Member Councils' nominated representative Councillors, Council staff, Financial Partner representatives, and community representatives.

Georges Riverkeeper is governed by an Executive Group who are elected annually and meet monthly to make operational and management decisions. The Georges Riverkeeper Executive Groups consists of:

  • Georges Riverkeeper Chairperson, Cr. Stephen Nikolovski (Sutherland Shire Council)
  • Georges Riverkeeper Vice Chairperson (vacant)
  • Georges Riverkeeper Second Vice Chairperson, Cr. David Walsh (City of Canterbury Bankstown)
  • Georges Riverkeeper Treasurer, Cr. Peter Mahoney (Georges River Council).
  • Georges Riverkeeper Acting Program Manager: Kirsten Spry
  • Georges Riverkeeper Host Management: Michael Zengovski (Liverpool City Council)

Upcoming General Meetings

  • Thursday, 21 November 2024, AGM and Committee (POSTPONED)
    Hosted by Sutherland Shire Council

Past meetings

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2023/24 Member Councils’ nominated Councillor Representatives:

Cr. Stephen Nikolovski
Cr. Stephen Nikolovski

Sutherland Shire Council

Paul Sedrak
Cr. Paul Sedrak

Vice Chairperson
Bayside Council

Cr. Peter Mahoney
Cr. Peter Mahoney

Georges River Council

Cr. David Walsh 
Cr. David Walsh 

Second Vice Chairperson
City of Canterbury Bankstown

Cr. Hassan Awada

Sutherland Shire Council

Cr. George Barcha

Fairfield City Council

Cr. Michael Banasik

Wollondilly Shire Council

Cr. Peter Harle

Liverpool City Council

Cr. Masud Khalil

Campbelltown City Council

Cr. Kevin Lam

Fairfield City Council

Cr. Carmen Lazar OAM

Fairfield City Council

Cr. Fiona MacNaught

Liverpool City Council

Cr. Rey Manoto

Campbelltown City Council

Cr. Matt Stellino

Campbelltown City Council

Cr. Andrew Tsounis

Bayside Council

Sydney Water is a Financial Partner of Georges Riverkeeper. This partnership will allow Georges Riverkeeper to address issues related to sewage in the Stormwater & Sewage Program.

Georges Riverkeeper stakeholders, who may be represented on the Committee, include but are not limited to:

  • Corrective Services NSW
  • Environmental Education Centre (Georges River and Botany Bay)
  • Greater Sydney Local Land Services
  • Lands and Water – Crown Lands
  • Local Aboriginal Land Councils
  • National Parks and Wildlife Service
  • NSW Department of Land and Property Information
  • NSW Department of Planning and Environment
  • NSW Department of Primary Industry
  • NSW Office of Environment and Heritage
  • NSW Roads and Maritime Service
  • NSW State Emergency Service
  • Sydney Water Corporation
  • Various environmentally focused community groups and other regional organisations

Georges Riverkeeper staff comprises of professionals with diverse career backgrounds. The team includes a Program Manager, Aquatic Ecologist & Programs Coordinator, Project Coordinator & Environmental Officer, Administration Officer and Communications Officer.

Georges Riverkeeper would like acknowledge and thank Sutherland Shire Council for hosting Georges Riverkeeper. This hosting agreement will conclude in 2024.

Georges Riverkeeper Honours Board

Georges Riverkeeper's acknowledgement of outstanding support and contributions.