Friday, September 8, 2023

Adding fresh sites to our clean-up roster

Corrective Services teams removing rubbish from the catchment
Corrective Services teams removing rubbish from the catchment

Thanks to our fruitful partnership with NSW Corrective Services and the support from our dedicated member councils, we're making impressive strides in litter collection across the Georges River catchment. In the current financial year alone, we've already collected over 800 bags of litter!

Every year, as part of our rigorous Workplace Health and Safety inspections, we expand our list of clean-up sites. This year, as a result of our litter prevention research, we’ve identified seven new sites in need of attention in the Campbelltown area. Our mission is clear: reduce litter's potential to infiltrate the Bunbury Curran Creek catchment and ultimately impact the Georges River.

Litter at Macquarie Fields near creekline
Litter at Macquarie Fields near creekline

One of the most gratifying aspects of our work is witnessing the immediate change we can bring to these newly identified sites. Take, for instance, the first day at a fresh site in Macquarie Fields. Our dedicated teams wasted no time and quickly removed an astonishing nine large bags of litter from the bushland surrounding the local skate park, just meters away from the creekline. It's a testament to the difference we can make when we come together to tackle litter head-on.

New Georges Riverkeeper clean up site in Macquarie Fields where litter is abundant.
Before the clean up at the new site in Macquarie Fields where litter is abundant

We firmly believe that maintaining clean and well-kept areas is a pivotal factor in deterring littering. Research has consistently shown that people are far less likely to litter in places that look well-cared for, as littering is not perceived as the norm. This positive change in behaviour extends not only to the broader community but also to those who may have previously been offenders. After dedicating countless hours to the cleanup cause, it's highly likely that many of them will think twice about littering in the future.