Feedback given to NSW Government as part of Coastal Management Program development
Georges Riverkeeper has initiated the transition of the Georges River Estuary Coastal Zone Management Plan (CZMP) to a Coastal Management Program (CMP), as required by the NSW Government’s new Coastal Management Framework.
This is a 5 Staged process, of which Georges Riverkeeper is in Stage 1, developing a Scoping Study for the transition. Georges Riverkeeper has received 50% ($50,000) in funding from the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment to carry out the Scoping Study, and Georges Riverkeeper is contributing the other 50%. Fifty percent (50%) funding is often available for coastal planning and on-ground works if they are related to the CZMP/CMP.
In October the NSW Government Coast and Estuary Grants Program asked for feedback on the grant program. Georges Riverkeeper provided a submission with four main points of feedback, focused mainly on increased funding available for the transition to the CMP and for Councils implementing on-ground works once the CMP is finalised. The submission also details the importance of a catchment approach for urban catchments, like Georges River.
Click here to read our submission, made on the behalf of our member Councils.