Georges Riverkeeper General Meeting – Aug 2023

Program updates were well received as was the presentation by Farid Shahbazi Dashti and Rob Stevenson about Fairfield City Council’s Gross Pollutant Trap Audit at the August 17 Georges Riverkeeper Committee Meeting hosted by Fairfield City Council. Discussions during the meeting also included topics such as shorebird protection, synthetic field microplastics, new litter collection sites for Corrective Service NSW teams, the desire for Bushcare updates from Councils, and how to attract further community participation in the committee.
Director Andrew Woodley on behalf of Fairfield City Council Mayor and General Manager, welcomed the Georges Riverkeeper Committee to Fairfield and was most interested and commended the work being done for the river.
In attendance were the Georges Riverkeeper team, the Executive Group representatives including Georges Riverkeeper Chairperson, Cr. George Barcha (Fairfield City Council), Georges Riverkeeper Second Vice Chairperson, Cr. Stephen Nikolovski (Sutherland Shire Council), and Georges Riverkeeper Treasurer, Cr. Peter Mahoney (Georges River Council). Also attending were Councillors Kevin Lam and Carmen Lazar OAM (Fairfield City Council), Councillors Peter Harle and Fiona MacNaught (Liverpool City Council), Cr. David Walsh (City of Canterbury Bankstown), and Cr. Rey Manoto (Campbelltown City Council) as well as numerous council officers, stakeholders and community members.
The next General Committee Meeting will be held after the Annual General Meeting on 16 November 2023 at Georges River Council.