Remarkable results from Georges Riverkeeper: 91 tonnes of litter removed

Through Georges Riverkeeper’s Catchment Actions Program, 91 tonnes of litter were removed from the Georges River catchment in this past financial year, 2022/23.
That equates to over 5,900 large garbage bags of litter removed before it could cause further damage to the Georges River and its catchment.
Georges Riverkeeper Program Manager, Scott Reyes, said: “We hate to see litter in our waterways. Not only does it detract from the natural appeal, but it endangers wildlife and harbours dangerous chemicals."
Co-ordinated through Georges Riverkeeper’s Catchment Actions Program, litter collection teams from Corrective Services NSW head out to parks, beaches, creeks, river foreshores and industrial areas seven days a week. Thanks to the support of our Member Councils, the program expanded in 2022/23 and now includes 258 sites. The total hours the Corrective Service NSW teams put in, across the Georges River catchment in the financial year 2022/23, was 22,154.5 hours during 3,790 clean-ups.
Curious about the amount of litter that has been cleaned up in your Local Government Area (LGA) in the past financial year, 2022/23?
Here’s an overview of the quantities removed, locations attended, and the hours dedicated to this effort in each of Georges Riverkeeper's Member Councils areas from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023.

Bayside Council area:
- 7,075 Kilograms of litter removed
- 1,776 Volunteer hours worked
- 290 Clean ups

City of Canterbury Bankstown area:
- 11,965 Kilograms of litter removed
- 3,723.5 Volunteer hours worked
- 693 Clean ups

Campbelltown City Council area:
- 14,265 Kilograms of litter removed
- 3.306 Volunteer hours worked
- 562 Clean ups

Fairfield City Council area:
- 18,043 Kilograms of litter removed
- 4,740.5 Volunteer hours worked
- 796 Clean ups

Georges River Council area:
- 6,420 Kilograms of litter removed
- 1,624.5 Volunteer hours worked
- 412 Clean ups

Liverpool City Council area:
- 24,469 Kilograms of litter removed
- 3,889.5 Volunteer hours worked
- 548 Clean ups

Sutherland Shire Council area:
- 5,658 Kilograms of litter removed
- 2,198 Volunteer hours worked
- 377 Clean ups

National Parks and Wildlife Service area:
- 3,481 Kilograms of litter removed
- 897 Volunteer hours worked
- 112 Clean ups
Alongside Georges Riverkeeper’s litter collection efforts, in the past financial year (2022/23) Georges Riverkeeper developed a 'Litter Prevention Strategy' for the Georges River catchment, with support from the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA).
Additionally, the Georges Riverkeeper team concluded the final stages of the 'Zero Litter in Georges River' Environmental Restoration Fund Grant in partnership with Member Councils, which was recently honoured with a Keep Australia Beautiful NSW Award in the Litter Prevention Category for Clean Waterways.
Furthermore, they secured financial support from Member Councils to advance the Georges River Catchment Coastal Management Program: Stages 2 - 4 through Coastal and Estuary Grants.
It would not have been possible for Georges Riverkeeper to achieve this without the generous hosting arrangement with Sutherland Shire Council. The Georges Riverkeeper team and Executive Group would like to thank the Sutherland Shire Council team for their invaluable input and support.
Georges Riverkeeper Annual Report 2022/23
Read more about our achievements and activities in the last financial year or download Georges Riverkeeper’s Annual Report 2022/23.