GRCCC Annual Report 2012-2013


The River Health Monitoring Program won the 2012 National Urban Landcare Award.

The Program continues to provide councils with valuable water quality data. The Program has collected 4 years of data in the Georges River and 2 years of data in the Cooks River. Numerous community groups, volunteers and school children participated in the program working alongside our scientists to undertake field sampling. In total, over 400 volunteers and 53 community groups volunteered over the last 2 years, well above the Government’s targets.

Member Councils recognised the value of continuing this successful program beyond the federal grant funding period on June 2013 and into the long term, and have agreed to fund the Program from their budgets.

A review is planned for the new financial year to ensure the Program responds to member Councils’ needs and reflects current best practice ecological monitoring for the Georges River and the estuary.