Georges Riverkeeper has been successful in obtaining a $11,000 grant from NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) Fisheries in partnership with City of Canterbury Bankstown Council.

The Fish Habitat Action Grant will help fund removal of invasive vines along Prospect Creek which have been impacting native riparian vegetation such as Mangroves and Casuarinas.

Eucalyptus baueriana or Blue Box, will be planted alongside the creek which will eventually assist in the provision of large woody debris to the water, improving fish habitat.

Georges Riverkeeper will be hosting a workshop in the area in 2022, which will improve knowledge of our local fish species and the habitat requirements needed for them to thrive. A fact sheet will also be produced to help educate and inform the community.

This Project has been assisted by the NSW DPI Fisheries’ Recreational Fishing Trust’s “Habitat Action Grant Program”.


Site photographs before works began

Balloon vine smothering native vegetation at Prospect Creek, August 2021
River Mangrove growing along Prospect Creek, August 2021
Balloon vine entering the canopy of River Flat Forest along Prospect Creek, August 2021