Georges River Report Card 2023-2024

The Report Card found that the overall ecological grade for the freshwater reaches of the Georges River was C+ in 2023-24 which is a slight drop from B- in 2021-22. The overall estuary grade improved to A- this year from B in 2021-22.

Creeks and Tributaries of the Georges River

The Georges River catchment features numerous creeks and tributaries that flow into the Georges River and contribute to the area’s ecological diversity.

Ten tenacious animals to spot in the Georges River catchment

In the Georges River catchment, 1.4 million human residents share their space with an almost inestimable number of animals. From the depths of the riverbeds to the leafy treetops, it's a lively ecosystem where every creature has a story to tell.

Freshwater Sampling with Ecologist, Carl Tippler

The health of aquatic ecosystems in the Georges River catchment is an ongoing focus for Georges Riverkeeper. To understand what lies beneath (and above) our waterways, biennial sampling activities take our scientists through bush reserves, national parks and urban areas to reach the waterways.

Climate change and its impact on the Georges River catchment

The outlook for the Australian environment is not good and we can already see the heavy impacts of climate change on the Georges River catchment.

Spotlight on the Sydney Hawke Dragonfly

Sydney Hawk dragonflies are a namesake of Sydney. Still, unfortunately, it is a species endangered in New South Wales and listed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List.

Spotlight on Sporobolus virginicus

Sporobolus is a spindly little grass with a pale green and yellow appearance. Sporobolus are part of the saltmarsh ecological community and are of great importance.

Summary of River Health Grades for 2021-2022 and each Council area

A summary of the findings from the Georges River Report Card 2021-2022 examining the water quality grades in local government areas across the catchment.

Spotlight on the upper Georges River

While the northern and western parts of the Georges River catchment are dominated by the expanses of Sydney’s urban sprawl, natural green areas and national parks make up much of the upper catchment in the south.

Play Biodiversity Bingo!

Celebrate biodiversity in the Georges River catchment!

What shaped the Georges River?

The river and landscape of the Georges River catchment has been shaped by the forces of geology, biology and water acting over many, many years.

A review of the ‘natural’ ecological features of waterways in the Botany Bay catchment

Georges Riverkeeper has a published paper in Regional Studies in Marine Science entitled, “A review of the ‘natural’ ecological features of waterways in the Botany Bay catchment,

Summary of River Health Grades for the Georges River 2019/20

River Health grades provide an easy to understand indication of the relative environmental health of waterways across the Georges River catchment.

What is water quality?

Water quality describes and measures the suitability of a particular body of water for a specific use, but it can also indicate the relative health of a waterway too.

Georges River mangroves

Mangroves thrive in environments that are often intolerable to other plants. They grow between the land and the sea, often in saltwater and intertidal locations where they are regularly flooded.